Class \Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TDataListItemRenderer
TDataListItemRenderer can be used as a convenient base class to define an item renderer class specific for TDataList.
TDataListItemRenderer extends TItemDataRenderer and implements the bubbling scheme for the OnCommand event of data list items.
TDataListItemRenderer also implements the IStyleable interface, which allows TDataList to apply CSS styles to the renders.
Class hierarchy
- \Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TDataListItemRenderer implements IStyleable
\Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TItemDataRenderer implements IItemDataRenderer
\Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TDataRenderer implements IDataRenderer
\Prado\Web\UI\TCompositeControl implements INamingContainer
\Prado\Web\UI\TControl implements IRenderable, IBindable
Since: 3.1.0
bubbleEvent(TControl $sender, TEventParameter $param) : bool
This method overrides parent's implementation by wrapping event parameter
for <b>OnCommand</b> event with item information.
render(THtmlWriter $writer) : mixed
Renders the control.
This method overrides the parent implementation by replacing it with the following sequence:
renderBeginTag(THtmlWriter $writer) : mixed
Renders the openning tag for the control (including attributes)
This method is invoked when {@see getTagName TagName} is not empty.
renderContents(THtmlWriter $writer) : mixed
Renders the body content enclosed between the control tag.
By default, child controls and text strings will be rendered. You can override this method to provide customized content rendering. |
renderEndTag(THtmlWriter $writer) : mixed
Renders the closing tag for the control
This method is invoked when {@see getTagName TagName} is not empty.
addAttributesToRender(THtmlWriter $writer) : mixed
Adds attribute name-value pairs to renderer.
By default, this method renders the style string. The method can be overriden to provide customized attribute rendering. |
createStyle() : TStyle
Creates a style object to be used by the control.
This method may be overriden by controls to provide customized style. |
getTagName() : string
Returns the tag name used for this control.
By default, the tag name is 'span'. You can override this method to provide customized tag names. If the tag name is empty, the opening and closing tag will NOT be rendered. |