Class \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\TActiveTableRowEventParameter
TActiveTableRowEventParameter class.
The TActiveTableRowEventParameter provides the parameter passed during the callback requestion in the \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\getCallbackParameter property. The callback response content (e.g. new HTML content) must be rendered using an THtmlWriter obtained from the \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\getNewWriter property, which returns a NEW instance of TCallbackResponseWriter.
The \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\getSelectedRowIndex is a zero-based index of the TActiveTableRow , -1 if the row is not part of the row collection (this shouldn't happen though since an exception is thrown before).
Class hierarchy
- \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\TActiveTableRowEventParameter
\Prado\TEventParameter implements IEventParameter
Since: 3.1.9
__construct(mixed $response, mixed $parameter[, mixed $index = -1 ]) : mixed
Creates a new TActiveTableRowEventParameter.
getSelectedRowIndex() : int
Returns the zero-based index of the {@see \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\TActiveTableRow} within the
{@see \Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TTableRowCollection} of the parent {@see \Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TTable} control.