Class \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\TActiveImageButton
TActiveImageButton class.
TActiveImageButton is the active control counter part to TImageButton. When a TActiveImageButton is clicked, rather than a normal post back request a callback request is initiated.
The \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\onCallback event is raised during a callback request and it is raise after the \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\onClick event.
Class hierarchy
- \Prado\Web\UI\ActiveControls\TActiveImageButton implements IActiveControl, ICallbackEventHandler
\Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TImageButton implements IPostBackDataHandler, IPostBackEventHandler, IButtonControl
\Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TImage implements IDataRenderer
\Prado\Web\UI\WebControls\TWebControl implements IStyleable
\Prado\Web\UI\TControl implements IRenderable, IBindable
Since: 3.1
__construct() : mixed
Creates a new callback control, sets the adapter to
TActiveControlAdapter. If you override this class, be sure to set the
adapter appropriately by, for example, by calling this constructor.
onCallback(TCallbackEventParameter $param) : mixed
This method is invoked when a callback is requested. The method raises
'OnCallback' event to fire up the event handlers. If you override this
method, be sure to call the parent implementation so that the event
handler can be invoked.
raiseCallbackEvent(TCallbackEventParameter $param) : mixed
Raises the callback event. This method is required by
{@see ICallbackEventHandler ICallbackEventHandler} interface. If
{@see getCausesValidation CausesValidation} is true, it will invoke the page's
{@see \Prado\Web\UI\TPage::validate} method first. It will raise
{@see onClick OnClick} event first and then the {@see onCallback OnCallback} event.
This method is mainly used by framework and control developers. |
setAlternateText(string $value) : mixed
Sets the alternative text to be displayed in the TImage when the image is unavailable.
setImageAlign(string $value) : mixed
Sets the alignment of the image with respective to other elements on the page.
Possible values include: absbottom, absmiddle, baseline, bottom, left, middle, right, texttop, and top. If an empty string is passed in, imagealign attribute will not be rendered. |
addAttributesToRender(mixed $writer) : mixed
Ensure that the ID attribute is rendered and registers the javascript code
for initializing the active control.
getClientClassName() : string
Gets the name of the javascript class responsible for performing postback for this control.
renderClientControlScript(mixed $writer) : mixed
Override parent implementation, no javascript is rendered here instead
the javascript required for active control is registered in {@see addAttributesToRender}.