Class \Prado\Web\TUrlMapping
The TUrlMapping module allows PRADO to construct and recognize URLs based on specific patterns.
TUrlMapping consists of a list of URL patterns which are used to match against the currently requested URL. The first matching pattern will then be used to decompose the URL into request parameters (accessible through
The patterns can also be used to construct customized URLs. In this case, the parameters in an applied pattern will be replaced with the corresponding GET variable values.
Since it is derived from TUrlManager, it should be configured globally in the application configuration like the following,
<module id="request" class="THttpRequest" UrlManager="friendly-url" />
<module id="friendly-url" class="Prado\Web.TUrlMapping" EnableCustomUrl="true">
<url ServiceParameter="Posts.ViewPost" pattern="post/{id}/""\d+" />
<url ServiceParameter="Posts.ListPost" pattern="archive/{time}/" parameters.time="\d{6}" />
<url ServiceParameter="Posts.ListPost" pattern="category/{cat}/""\d+" />
In the above, each <url> element specifies a URL pattern represented as a TUrlMappingPattern internally. You may create your own pattern classes by extending TUrlMappingPattern and specifying the <class> attribute in the element.
The patterns can be also be specified in an external file using the \Prado\Web\setConfigFile property.
The URL mapping are evaluated in order, only the first mapping that matches the URL will be used. Cascaded mapping can be achieved by placing the URL mappings in particular order. For example, placing the most specific mappings first.
Only the PATH_INFO part of the URL is used to match the available patterns. The matching is strict in the sense that the whole pattern must match the whole PATH_INFO of the URL.
From PRADO v3.1.1, TUrlMapping also provides support for constructing URLs according to the specified pattern. You may enable this functionality by setting \Prado\Web\setEnableCustomUrl to true. When you call THttpRequest::constructUrl() (or via TPageService::constructUrl()), TUrlMapping will examine the available URL mapping patterns using their \Prado\Web\TUrlMappingPattern::getServiceParameter and \Prado\Web\TUrlMappingPattern::getPattern properties. A pattern is applied if its \Prado\Web\TUrlMappingPattern::getServiceParameter matches the service parameter passed to constructUrl() and every parameter in the \Prado\Web\getPattern is found in the GET variables.
Class hierarchy
- \Prado\Web\TUrlMapping
\Prado\TModule implements IModule
Since: 3.0.5
constructUrl(string $serviceID, string $serviceParam, array<string|int, mixed> $getItems, bool $encodeAmpersand, bool $encodeGetItems) : string
Constructs a URL that can be recognized by PRADO.
This method provides the actual implementation used by THttpRequest::constructUrl. Override this method if you want to provide your own way of URL formatting. If you do so, you may also need to override parseUrl so that the URL can be properly parsed. The URL is constructed as the following format: /entryscript.php?serviceID=serviceParameter&get1=value1&... If \Prado\Web\THttpRequest::setUrlFormat is 'Path', the following format is used instead: /entryscript.php/serviceID/serviceParameter/get1,value1/get2,value2... If \Prado\Web\THttpRequest::setUrlFormat is 'HiddenPath', the following format is used instead: /serviceID/serviceParameter/get1,value1/get2,value2... |
getEnableCustomUrl() : bool
Returns a value indicating whether to enable custom constructUrl.
If true, constructUrl() will make use of the URL mapping rules to construct valid URLs. |
init(mixed $config) : mixed
Initializes this module.
This method is required by the IModule interface. |
parseUrl() : array<string|int, mixed>
Parses the request URL and returns an array of input parameters.
This method overrides the parent implementation. The input parameters do not include GET and POST variables. This method uses the request URL path to find the first matching pattern. If found the matched pattern parameters are used to return as the input parameters. |
setDefaultMappingClass(string $value) : mixed
Sets the default class of URL mapping patterns.
When a URL matching pattern does not specify "class" attribute, it will default to the class specified by this property. You may use either a class name or a namespace format of class (if the class needs to be included first.) |
setEnableCustomUrl(bool $value) : mixed
Sets a value indicating whether to enable custom constructUrl.
If true, constructUrl() will make use of the URL mapping rules to construct valid URLs. |
\Prado\TApplicationComponent::FX_CACHE_FILE, \Prado\TComponent::GLOBAL_RAISE_EVENT_LISTENER |