Class \Prado\Security\Permissions\TPermissionsConfigurationBehavior
TPermissionsConfigurationBehavior class.
TPermissionsConfigurationBehavior is designed specifically to attach to the TPageConfiguration class objects. It reads and parses the permissions role hierarchy and permissions rules from a page configuration file. Within the config.xml for a page, for example, add the following:
<role name="pageRole" children="otherRole, permission_name" />
<permissionrule name="permission_name" action="allow" roles="manager"/>
See <@link TPermissionsManager> for information on php configurations.
Class hierarchy
- \Prado\Security\Permissions\TPermissionsConfigurationBehavior uses TPermissionsManagerPropertyTrait
\Prado\Util\TBehavior implements IBehavior
\Prado\Util\TBaseBehavior implements IBaseBehavior uses TPriorityPropertyTrait
Since: 4.2.0
dyApplyConfiguration(TCallChain $callchain) : mixed
Applies the permissions hierarchy and permission rules
dyLoadPageConfigurationFromPhp(array<string|int, mixed> $config, string $configPath, string $configPagePath, TCallChain $callchain) : mixed
Loads the configuration specific for page service. This may be called multiple
dyLoadPageConfigurationFromXml(TXmlElement $dom, string $configPath, string $configPagePath, TCallChain $callchain) : mixed
Loads the configuration specific for page service. This may be called multiple
\Prado\TApplicationComponent::FX_CACHE_FILE, \Prado\TComponent::GLOBAL_RAISE_EVENT_LISTENER |