Class \Prado\Data\SqlMap\Statements\TCachingStatement
TCacheingStatement class.
Class hierarchy
Author: Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>Since: 3.1
__construct(TMappedStatement $statement) : mixed
The common __construct.
If desired by the new object, this will auto install and listen to global event functions as defined by the object via 'fx' methods. This also attaches any predefined behaviors. This function installs all class behaviors in a class hierarchy from the deepest subclass through each parent to the top most class, TComponent. |
executeInsert(mixed $connection, mixed $parameter) : string
Execute an insert statement. Fill the parameter object with the ouput
parameters if any, also could return the insert generated key.
executeQueryForList(mixed $connection, mixed $parameter[, mixed $result = null ][, mixed $skip = -1 ][, mixed $max = -1 ][, mixed $delegate = null ]) : TList
Executes the SQL and retuns a subset of the rows selected.
executeQueryForMap(mixed $connection, mixed $parameter, mixed $keyProperty[, mixed $valueProperty = null ][, mixed $skip = -1 ][, mixed $max = -1 ][, mixed $delegate = null ]) : TMap
Executes the SQL and retuns all rows selected in a map that is keyed on
the property named in the <tt>$keyProperty</tt> parameter. The value at
each key will be the value of the property specified in the
<tt>$valueProperty</tt> parameter. If <tt>$valueProperty</tt> is
<tt>null</tt>, the entire result object will be entered.
executeQueryForObject(mixed $connection, mixed $parameter[, mixed $result = null ]) : object
Executes an SQL statement that returns a single row as an object
of the type of the <tt>$result</tt> passed in as a parameter.
executeUpdate(mixed $connection, mixed $parameter) : int
Execute an update statement. Also used for delete statement. Return the
number of row effected.
createCommand(mixed $connection, mixed $parameter[, mixed $skip = null ][, mixed $max = null ]) : mixed