Class \Prado\Collections\TCollectionSubscription
TCollectionSubscription class.
This class does the same thing as TArraySubscription except it does not pass by reference. This will work with ArrayAccess objects but will not work with PHP arrays.
This has the property Collection that provides Array access without passing by reference.
Class hierarchy
- \Prado\Collections\TCollectionSubscription
\Prado\Collections\TArraySubscription uses TPriorityPropertyTrait
Since: 4.3.0
__construct([ArrayAccess|null $collection = null ][, mixed $key = null ][, mixed $item = null ][, null|float|int $priority = null ][, null|bool|int $isAssociative = 1 ][, bool|null $autoSubscribe = null ]) : mixed
getCollection([bool $weak = false ]) : null|ArrayAccess|WeakReference
The ArrayAccess collection for getting the array without pass by reference.
setCollection(ArrayAccess|null $value) : static
The ArrayAccess collection for setting the array without pass by reference.
__construct, __destruct, getArray, getIsAssociative, getIsSubscribed, getItem, getKey, getPriority, setArray, setIsAssociative, setItem, setKey, setPriority, subscribe, unsubscribe, _priorityItemZappableSleepProps |